Glimpses Of Traditional VastuTraditional
vastushastra is based on energy needs of a particular class of people.
It indicates the specific directional zones suitable for habitation by various
groups. This segmentation is derived from the qualities of eight directions,
which are characterised by certain energy levels, and specific virtues as
explained in the vastu purush mandal. This logic has been extended in
classification of sectors to be used for residence by various castes, creeds,
and social groups.
congruities are directly correlated with and are dependent on the daily
routine. Energy needs of a given class of people do not remain static or
constant over a period of time. Hence, in an ideal town planning, houses of
various classes should be arranged as per their immediate energy needs. This
apart, each class is found to have different eating habits and corresponding
cooking methods. For planning purposes, these factors are given due
consideration in traditional vastushastra.
Constraints on
financial resources of different classes impose limitations on choice of
materials for house building, a factor reflected in traditional style
of architecture. In planning a city or a town, logic of vastu purush mandal,
extrapolated several times over, has to be applied on the basis of energy
requirements of different strata of society. Here vastu is first applied on a
larger scale to demarcate public places, open grounds and residential areas by
virtue of different directions. Then it is reapplied on a smaller scale for
seperate plots to establish miniature figure of vastu purush in each case. Thus
an individual gets associated with nature, and microcosm is correlated with
Methods Of Vastu ClassificationThree
different methods are traditionally used for characterising a vastu.To
represent the effect of five great elements and the variation of energy
spectrum, the cuts or squares used in conventional vastu are either 10 x 10, or
9 x 9, or 8 x 8 type. Suitable nomenclature, generally a deity or a demon, is
appended to these squares as per the type, form, intensity, and effective
energy format. The charts include directional details, name of deities etc. and
are self explanatory.
Purush Mandal |
Matrix |
Type |
Chatushashtipad |
x 8 |
coloy layouts, plannig of small townships, government or military camps. |
Ekashitipad |
x 9 |
of different classes of society, palaces, public places, government offices. |
Shatpad |
x 10 |
buildings, mansions, temples, auditoriams etc.
vastu purush mandal with 8 x 8 = 64 squares is useful in planning of
colony layouts and smaller townships. Vastu purush mandal with 9 x 9 = 81
squares is used in town planning for classifying locations as per the caste
factor (caste here points to vocation of people). This is called ekashitipad
vastu purush mandal and is also utilised in placement of houses for
politicians, public places, courts, theatres etc. A vastu purush mandal with 10
x 10 = 100 squares is applied in planning of palaces, mansions,
temples, and big auditoriams.
Of Soil Characteristics (Bhoomi Lakshanam) The
suitability of soil fir individual entities is decided on the basis of the
biorythmic and organic origin of a class of society. Characteristics of social
classes are dependent on the nature of work or job normally pursued and
exposure to the environment .
The holistic logic of
soil selection is related to virtues of five great elements as projected by
qualities of the soil. In vastu texts, properties of soil or earth are
described in terms of appearance, taste, odour, sound, color shape, touch and
slope of plot. These qualities find their equivalent attributes in
human classes. Naturally, a correlation between soil characteristics and
requirements of human groups can easily be established.
Classes For
intellectual classes, a square plot in north zone is preffered. Audumber
tree should be present on the plot and the soil should be white, representing
jal tatva. Slopes towards the north direction are considered advantageous.
speaking, north zone is under the influence of jupiter and moon, which are the
governing planets for education, culture, and religion. Hence, north zones
should be reserved for intellectuals in any town planning.
And Police For
military and police personnel, rectangular plots in east zone are
preffered. The soil should be reddish in color, having bitter taste. The
presence of pipal tree on the plot with slopes towards the east is considered
A rectangular shape
represents strength and force, red color represents agni tatva, and
slope towards east leads to better correlation with qualities of planet mars
who is known as the warrior. Pipal tree symbolically exhibits the activity of vayu
tatva. All the above attributes and parameters are a must for military
and police personnel.
Astrologically, the
sun and mars having agni tatva qualities and characteristics of a warrior
govern east zone. Hence, east zone should be reserved for military and police
cadre in town planning.
And Businessmen A
rectangular plot with excess length compared to width is preferred for
traders and business class. The plot should be in southern zone with yellow
colored soil having acidic taste. The plot should slope towards east.
The excessive length
in rectangular shape allows for better stream flow characteristics. The yellow
color simulates prithvi tatva symbolising stability, and the eastward slope
reinforces aditya pravah. This means that stability is achieved along
with alacrity because of the favourable role played by the color, the form, and
the shape. These attributes are a prerequisite for a stable and a enhanced
growth pattern for the business.
Astrologically, the
tenth house in a horoscope represents business, profession, and work. Hence,
the south zone is suitable for traders and businessmen.
Classes Rectangular
plot with length far in excess of width is preferred for housing of
working classes. The soil should be black in color and bitter in taste, with
slope towards east is preferred.
Geologically black
and bitter soil is rich in mineral contents, and can be suitably used for
vegetation and plantation. Excessive length of a house can be used for
constructing separate rooms to accomodate different activities which are part
of daily routine of the working classes and need to be carried out without
disturbing their work assignments. The task areas include storage place for
grain, workshops, etc. Slope towards east allows aditya pravah inside
Astrologically, west
zone is ruled by planet saturn, which represents working class activities.
Hence, west zone is suitable for working classes.
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