This is an excellent system (Paddhati) of astrological predictions conceived, created by The Great Indian Astrology master, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti. As you must have experienced that pin-pointing of the timing of the events is rather difficult (? impossible) when one uses Vedic or any other system. At the same time in cases of Twin Births the charts of then two persons will remain almost same in Vedic system. However there is always a lot of difference in them. If you want a precise 'YES' or 'NO' answer astrologically then it is also difficult in conventional astrology. In conventional horary astrology if two or more people approach to you at the same time then it again becomes very difficult to give accurate predictions as their charts will remain the same. To overcome the above and similar short-comings of the conventional vedic system, KP comes as saviour. Major Differences From Vedic :
Personally we feel that this system is best for accurate timing of events. We love this system and it's our sincere advice to give it a try. We are sure once you try you will also fall in love with this system. The Great Indian Astrology Master, late Prof. K.S. Krishnamurti has written SIX READERS which are Classics like 'Geeta' or 'Bible' for the KP Astrology. |