Often there
is a question as to how people having different horoscope enter the same profession. The
simple answer to this could be that their horoscopes must bear some similar factors. |
To locate
such factors, an investigation into the nativities of those coming under the same
profession would be necessary on the following lines : |
1. The
nature and related characteristics of a particular profession should first be ascertianed
and analysed.
2. Likewise, the indications of the Zodiacal houses should also be balanced in the
features of the profession (e.g., 6th house in a horoscope is the house of government
service as explained hereinafter.) |
Thus the
planets and the Zodiacal houses, so established for a particular profession, would go to
make the common or similar factors for each profession.
An attempt is made here in respect of administrative
officers in public administration. Public administration has been defined as the "Art
and science of Management as applied to the affairs of the state" and also as
"that part of science of asministration, which has to do with the goverment and thus,
concern itself primarily, with the executive branch, where the work of the govermnment is
done." |
functions of the administrative officer (I.A.S.) are rather undefined and unlimited.
However, in various capacities , they are of different natures. In one capacity, one of
his important function is to tender advice to the political executives with his inherent
talent, knowledge of technicalities of administration and his reservoir of information and
thus, help in formulation of policies and enactment of laws. His task in this respect goes
even further. In order to execute the laws and the public policy, he sets-up the work of
programme-planning; and thus, arranges to maintain co-ordination. |
It will not
be out of season to mention that instead of considering the planets in their individual
capacity, an astrologer may normally, focus on looking for Raja Yogas. One, two or more
such Yogas in the horoscope may lead one to mistake them as qualified for the I.A.S. job. |
The view is
not dependable for the following reasons : |
Firstly, a Raja Yoga is different from Rajya Yoga, and the former is not be confused for
the latter.
2. The Raja Yoga in a horoscope indicates health, happiness and comforts and
luxuries of life as per their constituents, and also certainly indicates political power
but it would require a good deal of study and investigation before one could definitely in
what manner a Raja Yoga is likely to manifest.
3. The Raja Yoga in different horoscopes are generally, of different type and
strength (vide horoscope under review for ready reference), except one or the other of
them being common, but that too, not in all cases.
4. The Raja Yogas are not always dependable, rather are ineffective, if the
component planets suffer from any inability due to maleficence, and thus, are rendered
powerless to give results of the Yoga.
5. Moreover, it is also to be noted that the Raja Yogas, no doubt, have a generial
impact on the horoscope, but they fructify mainly when the Dasa-Bhukti of the palnets
forming the Yoga come to operate in the life-time of the individual concerned, which may
not necessarily coincide with the time of entrance into the profession.
6. Over and above all, it is also very pertinent to see whether there is any malefic
or evil Yoga in the horoscope, in addition to the benefics ones, which if it exists, will
mar the results of even the benefics Yogas, just as a drop of poison in a jar of milk
spoils all the milk. |
As such the
Raja Yogas do not, in themselves, justify the making of an administrative officer and
cannot be accepted as common factors. |
We have to
search for planetary influences, in the individual capacity of planets and the Zodiacal
indications by assessment of : |
1. The status
of the planets amongst themselves; |
2. Inherent
features, nature, qualities and tendencies of planets; |
Residential strength of the planets in the relation and association with other planets; |
4. Functional
value of the planets with reference to a particular Lagna; and |
5. The nature
and tendencies of the Zodiacal signs or houses. |
of Planets
According to Jataka Parijata (II - 2) ---- |
that the Sun and the Moon are sovereigns; Jupiter and Venus are counsellors; Mercury is
the heir-apparent (young prince); Mars is the commander-in-chief; and Saturn is the
servant. In saying that the Sun and the Moon are sovereigns, it must be understood that
the Sun is the king, the Moon being the Queen. Similarly, Jupiter is the minister
(External Affairs) and Venus is his wife (Minister for Internal Affairs or the matters
inside the house). |
Further, the
Sun rules the six signs from Leo taken in the negative side while the Moon is the lord of
the other six signs, from Cancer counted in the opposite side. It is by these two
luminaries that the supremacy over the other 10 signs has been given to Mars and the other
planets. That is to say, the 2nd place from the Sun in Leo, his throne-seat, (negatively)
has been alloted to Mercury, the heir-apparent. The 3rd place has been given to Venus who
is the Minister of Internal Affairs. The 4th house has been given over to Mars who is the
commander-in-chief. The 5th house is the house of knowledge and External Affairs, and has
been alloted to Jupiter. To the servant Saturn, has been alloted the 6th house. |
A similar
order would follow in the case of the Moon with reference to the signs under her sway
counted from Cancer (her throne - seat). |
As explained
above, the 6th place from the sovereign's throne, (the Sun in Leo) has been alloted to
saturn. In other words, the 6th house is the house of government service and Saturn is the
government servant. |
The 6th
house becomes all the more significant as it stands identical with the 9th (Bhagyastana)
from the 10th (Karmastana); and also the 10th (Karmastana) from the 9th (the Bhagyastana);
again, it is the 5th from the 2nd house and the 2nd from the 5th house. Further, no less
important is the position of the 11th house, the house of gains and income, as it
stands 6th from the 6th house. Hence, in this context, the 11th house also plays an
important role. |
Further in
consideration of the status of the planets amongst themselves, Jupiter (minister for
sovereign), Mars (commander-in-chief i.e., possessing executive powers) and Saturn
(servant of the sovereign), represent fitness for the administrative job. Accordingly, for
the purpose of investigation, we proceed ahead to evaluate these three planets with
reference to their natural, residential, functional and other properties. |
Saturn |
other indications, Saturn signifies servile duty, whole sovereignty (Uttarakalamrita
V -- 47-50); further, Saturn controls longevity, livehood, cause
of death, prosperity and adversity. Besides, he represents general masses, public
responsibilities, mass contact and political diplomacy. |
Ordinarily, as a
general dictum of astrology, any planets in his own, exaltation, friendly house or
Moolatrikona Rasi or Varga and Amsa, will promote the happiness of the person concerned. (Uttarakalamrita,
IV -- 13). Besides, Saturn is predominant in his own Drekana, especially, when in
Upachayas (3,6,10,11) and also in all the signs when retrograde (Jataka Parijata
II -- 67). Again, in case Saturn acquires beneficience by temporal position, its
aspects are productive of good. |
Saturn in the 1st
house (Ascendant) identical with Libra, Sagittarius and Pisces signs, according to Garga
is capable of conferring royalty (i.e., power, authority and prosperity) on the native. |
Saturn in the 1st
is capable of conferring authority and power. |
It is apparently so
because Saturn in the Ascendant aspects the 7th (house of diplomacy) and the 10th (the
house of livelihood, respect and dignity). And, he also aspects the 8th, the house of
vocation. He sends exceedingly powerful rays in his 3rd and 10th aspect , his quarter
glance (J.P. II - 31). Again, in the case of Pisces Ascendant, he is the lord of the 11th
(Capricorn), in which sign he indicates honours, authority, position and financial gains.
An almost parallel view is also expressed in Jataka Parijata (VII - 57) |
It means that when
Saturn is in the rising sign identical with Sagittarius, Pisces, Libra, Aries, Capricorn
or Aquarius, the native will be lord of men, handsome and intelligent, and will lead a
town or village. |
When in the 4th
(Simhasana or house of authority), he aspects the 6th, the 10th and the Ascendant. One
becomes a great diplomat or high-positioned government servant and wields immerse power
and gets success in foreign countries. |
When in the 7th,
where Saturn gets Digbala, he becomes very powerful and promises a prominent high
position in public life. In the 10th, normally, he gives reversals in life and causes
sudden downfall if afflicted; but when exalted and aspected by a benefic 10th lord, he
extends splendour, honour, grandeur and reputation. He is the Karaka for the 6th house (J.
P. II - 51). |
Assuming lordship
of the 9th and the 10th from Lagna, in the case of Taurus Ascendant, he becomes
highly auspicious. Saturn, when he bestows blessings, has no limits and can take one very
high in all areas of life. |
meaning, that
Saturn always gives all desirable things when in the 8th. |
Mars |
As regards Mars, he
is called 'Vakra' (crooked) also, meaning diplomat. He also represents kingship, royal
aspect, authority and power to punish, magistrate, criminal cases, energy, courage, tact,
action, executive capacity, service under a king, commander, land, lord of men and
mounting a vehicle. He also indicates treasure and litigation. |
What an
administrative officer needs in the performance of his duties is, mainly the executive
capacity, tact and diplomacy, timely and effective action and determination to assert
authority , to take wrong-doers to task for maintenance of law and order and to secure the
welfare of the people by exercising magisterial powers vested in him. These are the
qualities of Mars. He is, thus, the strong indicator for executive service under the
government. Like Saturn, the magnitude of his strength will have its say in raising the
position of the native high. |
As regards the
strength of Mars, he is also the Karaka for the 6th house, (the house of service under the
government). He has abundant strength in his Drekanna, in the 12th, the 8th, the 11th, the
10th and the 1st signs, in retrogression, in his navamsa and gives prosperity when he is
in the 10th from Lagna and also when he is in Cancer (J. P. II -
63). Besides, like others planets, he is strong in his exaltation, own house, in a
friendly house and Moolatrikona Rasi and bestows immense benefits and makes one a leader.
He is mighty strong in Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius when without the Sun. He gets strong
even in his enemy's camp. (Uttarakalamrita V - 15). |
He gets auspicious
in the 8th in the matter of service,as in the case of Mr. Morarji Desai who started his
career as an administrative officer with exalted Mars in his 8th. The 8th house is the
house of vocation as well; and Mars is the Lord of 8th of the Zodiac (Kalapursha). Hence,
Mars in the 8th as lord of the 8th is very significant in service matters; from the 8th,
he aspects the 11th also. |
Mars enjoys Digbala
in the 10th and gives prosperity. He gets exalted in the 10th sign of the Zodiac. Mars in
the 10th makes one the beacon light of the family. |
Mars in the 10th
house gives executive ability, capacity for leadership and prosperity. He becomes
specially strong as lord of the 9th in the 10th and makes one a judge or magistrate. |
In association with
Saturn, he gives brilliant results. According to Kalamrita (IV - 8), |
Meaning, if Mars
and Saturn be strongly placed i.e., exalted, in own or friendly house with benefic aspect,
and occupy the 2nd and the 10th houses from the Lagna, the native will be highly praised
in public and will be a great personage. |
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