According to Jataka
Parijata (VII - 9) : |
When full moon in
the 9th occupies exaltation, own or friendly house; and Mars and Saturn occupy the 2nd and
the 10th, a ruler of the earth is born.
Further, Jataka
Parijata (VII - 44) says : |
If Saturn and Mars
be in the 10th, 5th or 1st house and full Moon be in a sign owned by Jupiter, the person
born will be a king. |
Jupiter |
Jupiter holds
supremacy over all other planets as the preceptor of the gods. He represents the throne,
treasure, royal honour, intellect, brilliancy, moving in village, travelling in a vehicle
bordered on four sides (Uttarakalamrita, V- 38-41); legal affairs,
diplomacy, power of discussion, respect and reputation, guardianship, wisdom, minister
also knowledge and dignity. Jupiter is the giver of health, wealth and progeny. His aspect
and association are said to be extremely beneficial. |
All of these
qualities of Jupiter have close identity with the status and duties of an administrative
officer. He holds high supreme position in the government. He stands strong like other
planets in his own, exaltation, friendly house and Moolatrikona Rasi. |
He assumes power in
Pisces, Sagittarius, Cancer, Aquarius and also in his debilitation sign. He is auspicious
in the rising sign, in the 4th as well as th 10th from Lagna and gives much wealth. |
He gets Digbala in
Lagna; and thus gets strong, aspecting the 5th, 7th and the 9th with full aspect. He is
auspicious in his oblique aspect (Jataka Parijata II - 31). |
Jupiter's aspect
over any planet as a natural benefic is of weighty importance apart from the fact that he
may be temporarily ill-placed. The opposition aspect with the Moon is extremely good. |
Jupiter in
conjuction with Mars makes the native loving, revered, wealthy and acquainted with the
science of computation (Jataka Parijata VIII - 4). If the combination
happens to be in the 10th house, it makes one a judge or magistrate. |
In relationship
with Saturn, both being philosophical planets, Jupiter tends to give philosophical views
or an ability for impartial assessment of things. Thus, Jupiter in strength and
especially, having to do anything with the 6th or the 11th, promises strong indications
for an administrative job under the government. |
Appendix A
IAS Officers |
Sl. No. |
Saturn |
Mars |
Jupiter |
Yoga |
1. |
1. 6th lord from the
Ascendant and 9th and
10 th lord from the 9th.
2. In the 10th in friendly sign.
3. In the 2nd from the Moon
in friendly sign. |
1. Aspects the 6th , 9th
and 10th.
2. Mutual aspect with exalted
3. In the 3rd in own sign. |
1. Aspects the 11th, the
Ascendant and the 9th.
2. Debilitated in the 5th.
3. Aspected by Saturn.
4. Lord of the 11th from
the Moon. |
----------- |
2. |
1. 6th lord.
2. Aspects the 6th and the
3. In the 2nd in friendly sign.
4. Owns the Moon
Ascendant. |
1. Exalted in the 6th.
2. Aspects 9th, own sign and
also Jupiter in the
3. Owns 9th and 4th, 4th being
10 th from the Moon. |
1. Aspected by exalted Mars
from the 6th.
2. 11th lord from the Moon.
3. 5th and 8th lord and
aspects 5th.
4. Gets Digbala in Lagna. |
1. Veena or
2. Gajakesari
3. Obhaychari
4. Lagna Malika
5. Prabhu |
3. |
1. Aspects the 6th and the
2. In the 6th from the Moon.
3. 4th and 5th lord and in the
9th with 9th lord in own
Sign. |
1. 11th lord from the Moon.
2. 10th lord from the 10th.
3. Occupies 7th with lord
of Lagna in 1st.
4. Aspects 1st, 2nd and 10th. |
1. In the 6th in own sign.
2. Aspects 11th from the
3. Aspected by Saturn from
the 9th. |
1. Ruchaka.
2. Pasha.
3. Obhaychari. |
4. |
1. Aspects the 6th and 11th.
2. Occupies 9th in own sign
and in mutual aspect
with exalted Jupiter.
3. 9th and 10th lord. In 10th
from the Moon with
Jupiter's aspect. |
1. Exalted in the 9th with 9th
lord, who is 11th lord from
the Moon.
2. Mutual aspect with
exalted Jupiter. |
1. 11th and 8th lord.
2. Exalted in the 3rd.
3. Mutual aspect with
Saturns, Mars and
Mercury. |
1. Pasa.
2. Maharaja
3. Agni-Maruta.
4. Obhayachari
5. Lord of 5th in
9th with the
lord of 9th and
the Sun with
Digbala. |
5. |
1. In 11th in friendly sign.
2. Aspects 6th, aspects 11th
from the Moon. |
1. Aspects the 6th, from
Lagna and the 11th lord
from the Moon.
2. In Gemini sign.
3. 5th and 10th lord without
sign. |
1. 6th and 9th lord from
Lagna aspects11th
from and the Moon.
2. Aspects 5th.
3. Owns 9th from the 10th. |
1. Hamsa.
2. Gajakesari.
3. Budhadtiya. |
6. |
1. 11th and 10th lord and
aspects 6th.
2. In the 11th from the Moon.
3. 6th lord from the Moon.
4. Aspected by Jupiter.
5. In the 3rd in own sign. |
1. Aspects 6th, 9th and 10th
from Lagna and in 11th
from the Moon.
2. In the 3rd in Gemini.
3. Aspected by Jupiter.
4. Owns 1st and 8th. |
1. Aspects 11th, both from
Lagna and the Moon.
2. 9th lord and occupies
3. 5th and 8th lord from the
Moon. |
1. Kedara.
2. Kundala.
3. Bhdhadtiya. |
7. |
1. Aspects 6th, 11th and the
6th lord.
2. In the 6th from the Moon.
3. 1st and 2nd lord.
4. In Jupiter aspected by
Mercury. |
1. 11th and 4th lord from
Lagna and in 11th from the
2. In virgo without the Sun.
3. Aspects 4th in own sign. |
1. In 6th from the Moon.
2. In Quadrant from lagna
and in friendly sign,
aspected by Mercury.
3. 3rd and 12th lord. |
1. Pasa
2. Amla
3. Obhayachari
4. Ashtaiswarya. |
Conclusion |
Now, in order to
find the common astrological factors, the status and duties etc., of the I.A.S. officers
(first stage of the investigation) on one side area, in the first instance, to be balanced
with the planetary influence and Zodiacal indications (the second stage) on the other. The
close study of the details on both sides in the foregoing paragraphs, shows the two sides
are found quite balancing. That is to say, that the duties of the I.A.S. officers are duly
contained in and corresponding to the status, nature and the tendencies of the three
planets, Jupiter, Mars and Saturn. It is further to be seen how far the influence of these
planets is contained in their horoscopes. The details of analysis therefore are shown in
Appendix A. These details go to show that these planets are duly placed in the horoscopes,
in auspicious and benefic and strong positions and are also simultaneously associated with
and related to the 6th or the 11th or both houses. |
Needless to say,
the stronger and more beneficially the planets (Jupiter, Mars and Saturn) are placed in a
horoscope, the higher would be the position of the native concerned, even going to the
level of I.A.S. officers or equivalent, depending upon the degree of beneficence and
strength of the planets. |
Tenure of
Service |
As regards the
second phase or the tenure of service, it is the stage when these officers work in
different assignments. Here, the difference in the careers of the IAS officers begins when
they are appointed as such and have come to the actual field of service. They are then
alloted different assignments that carry work and amenities of different natures. Some of
these carry facilities like conveyance, glamour of supreme authority and power with all
paraphernalia and insignia of royalty; whereas in other cases, such as secretariat
assignments or, the like, they carry compartively few amenities and little splendour. |
Officers |
Now as regards the
IPS officers, they are also likewise administrative officers in the public administration,
governed by the same system of recruitment as IAS officers. They are similarly responsible
for law and order and well being of the people in general. So naturally, the same
planetary combination of Jupiter, Mars and Saturn associated or related with the 6th
and/or the 11th house of the Zodiac, as in the case of IAS officers, would apply to them.
The only distinguishing point between the two classes of officers is that Jupiter in the
case of IPS officers will be a bit weaker compared to IAS officers. |
Appendix B
IPS Officers |
Mars |
Saturn |
Jupiter |
8. |
1. 6th and 11th lord.
2. In the 10th with Digbala
3. Exalted.
4. In friendly house. |
1. 9th lord in the 4th.
2. In Virgo sign.
3. Aspected by exalted and
benefic Venus.
4. Aspects the 6th.
5. 6th lord from the Moon. |
1. In the 6th from the Moon.
2. In his Nakshatra but has
Kendradhipati Dosha as
7th and 10th lord. |
9. |
1. In the 11th.
2. 5th lord.
3. Aspects 6th from Lagna.
4. 11th lord from the Moon. |
1. Aspects the 6th.
2. In friendly sign.
3. In the 6th from the Moon. |
1. 6th and 9th lord.
2. Aspects 11th from Lagna.
3. In 3rd in inimical sign. |
10. |
1. 11th lord.
2. Occupies friendly sign.
3. In the 4th. |
1. 6th (and 5th) lord in Lagna.
2. 6th lord from Lagna or
the Moon.
3. In friendly sign. |
1. In the 6th from Lagna.
2. In Aquarius ruled by Saturn. |
11. |
1. 11th lord.
2. 4th lord in the 9th.
3. In Virgo sign. |
1. Aspects the 6th and 11th
from Lagna.
2. In friendly sign Virgo.
3. Lagna and 2nd (benefic) lord
in the 9th with 4th lord. |
1. Aspects the 11th from Lagna.
2. In the 3rd in own Rasi as
3rd and 12th Lord. |
12. |
1. Aspects 6th from Lagna
2. Aspects 11th from the Moon. |
1. Aspects 11th from Lagna.
2. 4th and 5th lord in benefic.
(2nd house). |
1. 6th lord.
2. Aspects the 11th from Lagna
and the Moon. |
13. |
1. Occupies 11th from the
2. Aspects the 6th.
3. Yogakaraka (Benefic). |
1. 6th lord.
2. In the 11th.
3. 11th lord from the Moon. |
1. Aspects the 11th. |
Judicial Officers |
As regards
judicials officers, they too are recruited to the job through competitive examinations
like administrative officers. They are also officers under the government, with status and
authority, and they are empowered to punish the evil-doers. By exercise of law in the
public interest, by way of their jufgements (of law), they create a sense of law in the
public to make then law-abiding and also on the other hand, providing a sense of security
under law to the public in general. |
The distinguishing
point in this case in that their place and system of work in the performance of their
duties differ from those of the administrative officers. They have not to work practically
in the field but they exercise law in their office or court rooms by pronouncing the
judgement of law. In fact, they put the law of the country into action. It is very well
said that law is a silent judge, whereas a judge is a speaking law. |
This specific
aspect require further probe into the nature etc., of the planets to locate the particular
planetary influence concurring with it. |
Judicial Officers |
Jupiter |
Mars |
Saturn |
Venus |
14. |
Aspects the 6th. |
1. 11th lord.
2. 4th lord exalted.
3. 5th lord from the Moon.
4. Aspected by enemy
Saturn. |
1. In the 11th.
2. Lagna and 2nd lord. |
1. 5th (and 7th lord) in
the 2nd.
2. In friendly sign. |
15. |
1. 5th lord in 9th.
2. Aspects Lagna and 5th. |
1. In th 11th.
2. Aspects the 6th. |
1. Aspects the 6th.
2. 6th Lord.
3. Aspects the 11th. |
1. 10th lord in the 5th.
from the 10th.
2. 6th lord from the 10th. |
16. |
1. Occupies the 11th.
2. Aspects the 6th.
from the Moon. |
1. Aspects the 6th.
2. 6th and 11th lord.
3. Aspects 11th from
the Moon. |
1. 9th lord in 6th.
2. Aspects 6th from the
3. 11th lord from the Moon. |
1. 5th lord (a benefic
2. In the 6th from
the Moon. |
17. |
1. Aspects the 6th.
2. Occupies own sign
in the 10th.
3. 6th lord from the Moon. |
1. In exalted sign.
2. Aspects 11th.
3. Aspects 11th from
the Moon. |
1. In the 11th.
2. Debilitation cancelled.
3. 9th lord in the 11th.
4. 4th and 5th lord from
the Moon. |
1. In the 12th in own sign.
2. 5th lord.
3. Aspects the 6th. |
18. |
1. 11th lord.
2. Aspects the 11th.
3. Aspects the 11th
from the Moon. |
1. Aspects the 11th.
2. in own Rasi.
3. Functional benefic. |
1. Aspects the 11th.
2. 9th and 10th lord.
3. In Virgo sign.
4. 11th lord from the Moon. |
1. Digbala in the 4th.
2. 6th and Lagna lord.
3. In the 6th from the
Moon. |
19. |
1. In the 11th.
2. In Moolatrikona Rasi.
3. 2nd lord. |
1. Aspects the 6th.
2. Aspects 11th from the
3. In own sign in the 3rd. |
1. In the 9th in Exaltation.
2. Aspects the 11th from
3. 6th lord ans aspects
the 11th from the Moon. |
1. 5th and 10th lord in
the 9th.
2. Neechabhanga
3. 11th lord from the Moon. |
20. |
1. in exaltation.
conjuct the Moon.
2. Aspects the 11th.
3. 6th lord from the Moon. |
1. 11 lord from Lagna.
2. 4th lord in the 9th.
3. Aspects 6th from the
Moon. |
1. Aspects the 11th
from Lagna.
2. Lagna and 2nd lord in
the 5th.
3. In the 11th from
the Moon. |
1. 5th and 10th lord in the
2. Neechabhanga Raja
3. 11th lord from the Moon. |
21. |
1. Aspects the 11th.
2. 11th and 2nd lord.
3. In friendly sign.
4. Aspects 6th from the
Moon. |
1. Aspects the 11th.
2. 10th lord with the 5th
lord in the 5th.
3. In the 11th from the
Moon. |
1. 6th lord from the Moon.
2. Aspects the 11th
from the Moon.
3. In the 8th in Virgo. |
1. Digbala and in own
2. 9th lord in the 4th. |
In this context,
excluding Saturn, Mars and Jupiter, we should look at Venus out of the remaining four
planets, namely, Venus, Mercury, the Sun and the Moon. Venus is the minister (counsellor
for internal affairs i.e., matters inside house), rules the kingdom or government
authority, literacy composition, government seal (Uttarakalamrita, IV
- 42 1/2 - 45) and furnished rooms. On the other hand, the judicial officers administer
justice having authority vested in them by the government, through judgement of law (i.e.,
legal literacy compositions) in their well furnished judgement halls. Thus, very obviously
the distinguishing features of their working system and place fall in with the qualities
and tendencies of Venus. |
Venus is auspicious
in his exaltation sign, in his varga in the 3rd, the 4th, the 6th and the 12th houses from
the Lagna, in conjuction with the Moon; in retrograde motion and when he is in advance of
the Sun (Vide, Jataka Parijata II - 66). Venus in the 12th will prove
auspicious except when he is in the Rasi or Navamsa owned by Saturn. Venus as well as
Jupiter become fully favorable, when in the house of a benefic and in conjuction with the
lord of the same. |
Venus will do good
when in the 6th house (Uttara Kalamrita IV - 9) and does not lose
strength even when eclipsed. He has Digbala in the 4th. When Venus in strong occupying the
11th or the 12th, a king's peer takes birth (J.P. VII - 10). |
When Venus occupies
the Lagna in Aswini Nakshatra and is aspected by all other planets, the person will be
senior in the family destined to destroy the whole host of enemies (J.P.
VII - 6). |
In the Appendix A,
B and C have been detailed the positions of the planets (Jupiter, Mars Saturn in case
administrative officers, IAS and IPS and also Venus in the case of judicial officers)
forming the common factors for a common career. |
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