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The Varshphala or the Annual Horoscopy as it may be called, is one of the scores of techniques of Vedic Astrology employed to understand the occurrence of future events. The Varshphala is more popular in northern India, though it is used everywhere. The annual horoscopy differs from rest in the fact that that it picks up one particular year of a native's life and examine it in more minute details.  Going in to more minutest details, each month of a particular year, and further, each day or half a day during a month, may be subjected to astrological scrutiny for the clearest view of the events, and their closest timing possible. Annual horoscopy is widely implemented in Career planning, travel planning, work planning and job planning and various other important aspects of life.

The usual horoscope is cast for the time of birth of a native. The Varshphala, however is solar based. In other words, it is the position of the sun that is of significance here.

The solar year for a native begins every time the Sun returns to the same longitude as it had at the time of the native's birth. Between this time and the next solar return is covered by one annual chart or the Varsha-Kundlani. The time of solar return is technically called Varshapravesha, which literaly means of   'entry of the year'.

The varshphal or the annual horoscope is a branch of astrology which has been mainly in vogue in the northern India.

The longitude of the Sun at the birth forms the basis of annual chart. The annual chart for any given year of the native's life is the horoscope cast for the moment when the sun attains, during that year, the same longitudes are done on the sidereal or Niryana basis. The use of Chitrapaksha ayanmsha(as employed in the Lahiris' Indian Ephemeris) has also given good results.

The solar cycle has a duration of three hundred and sixty five days, six hours, nine minutes and about ten seconds. In other words, the Sun takes this length of time to complete one round of the twlve sign of the zodiac. After this duration of time , the sun will return to its original position.

Steps involved in preparing an annual chart
The first requirement is the construction of   birth chart along with dashas and antar dashas. Next come the determination of Varshaparvesha (year entry). Finally, a chart is prepared for the Varshapravesha so obtained.

The Muntha

The muntha is an important point in the annual chart. It is located in the lagna at the time of the birth. Each year , the Muntha progress by one rashi. thus, when the second year of life begins(i.e. at the first birthday), the muntha has progressed into the rashi falling in the second house from the birth lagna. At the commencement of the third year of birth, the muntha is in the sign fallingin the third house from the birth lagna and so on.

In the annual chart, the Muntha is located in the house where its rashi falls, after calculating this rashiconsidering the birth ascendant and the year of life in question. There are various computer softwares available in market for calculation of Muntha, one of the most commonly used software in India is Aryabhatt.

The Muntha Lord

The lord of the sign in which the Muntha is located is called the Muntha Lord. In the annual chart, the muntha lord yields desirable or adverse results according to its location, strength , and other planetary influences on it. The results accruinf from the Muntha Lord depending on its location are briefly described below.

The Dasha System

In varshphal several dashas have been described as of relevance to the the annual chart. Of these, three are more popular. They are

(a) The Mudda Dasha
(b) The Yogini Dasha
(c)  The Patyayini Dasha
The Mudda dasha and the yogini dasha are nakshatra-based dashas, and depend on the birth nakshtra. they are rhe equivalent of similar dashas (the Vimshottari and the Yogini) in the birth horoscope, with the difference of that their period of reduced to one year. The Mudda dasha is the most popular of the three dashas mentioned above.

Planetary Strengths

Planets give favourable or adverse results depending upon the strangth or wealness in the annual chart. Three different methods are employed for determinig the planetary strengthin the annual chart. The most popular of which is Panchavargiya Bala or the five-fold strength of a planet.

The Lord of the year

The lord of the year also called Varshesha or the Varsheshwara, is an important planet in the annula chart. It is supposed to significantly influence the events that takes place during the year. A strong Varsha Lord ensures success, prosperity and good health throughout the year in question, while a weak one indicates the reverse. The Varsha lord is selected out of five planets which holds special significance during the year.

There are certain rules for selecting the Year Lord
(1) It should be strongest of office-bearers.
(2) It should, at the time, aspect the Varsha Lagna.

The Tri-Pataki Chakara

The Tri-pataki chakra (or the Tri-pataki map) consists of a special charting of various planets as located in the birth chart in relation to the ascendant in the annual chart. The planets are progressed by one sign every year starting from position at birth.

The application and analysis of the Tri-pataki gives a very broad overview of the nature of events likely to dominate one particular year. While the Vedha to any planet or the lagna can be determined by charting the planets on the Tri-pataki, it is customary only to consider the various planetary influences on the Moon, or sometimes on the ascendant.

Three parallel lines are drawn vertically. Across these are drawn three parallel lines horozontally. The ends of these lines are joined as shown in Figure below :
On the top of three vertical lines, customarily, small flags are drawn. The word pataka means 'a flag'; the pre-fix Tri means 'three'. This forms the Tri-pataki map.
Marking the Rashis

The central flag (marked 'a') represents the ascendant in the annual chart. The sign rising at the time of    Varshapravesha is mrked here. The remaining signs are marked in  order, in an anti-clockwise fashion, along the points 'b', 'c', 'd', etc. This forms the sekelton on which the progressed planets will be located.

The Yogas

The clue to successful predictions on the basis of the Varshphala lies in proper understanding of the Tajika Yogas. sixteen such yogas or planetary configurations are described in the Tajika texts. These yogas from as a result of  specific disposition or placement of planets in relation to each other. Most of these Yogas depend on the mutual Tajika aspects between planets, and on their special orbs of influence. These yogas are as appropriately applicable to Horary chart as they are to the annual chart. The hundreds of yogas as employed in the Parashari system are generally not considered in the Tajika chart. Equally so, the Tajika yogas do not find their use generally in the analysis of the annual chart.

There are Sixteen Yogas which are commonly used :
(1) The Ikabala Yoga (2) The Induvara Yoga (3) The Ithasala Yoga (4) The Ishrafa Yoga (5) The Nakta Yoga (6) The Yamaya Yoga (7) The Manau Yoga (8) The Kamboola Yoga   (9) The Gairi-Kamboola Yoga (10) The Khallasara Yoga (11) The Rudda Yoga (12) The Duphali-Kuttha Yoga (13) The dutthottha - Davira Yoga (14) The Tambira Yoga (15) The Kuttha Yoga (16) The Durpaha Yoga

The Sahams

The Sahams are the sensitive points arrived at by certian manipulation of the longitudes of the various planets and the cusp of the ascendant (or, sometimes, of other houses). Different , though specific, manipulations yield different Sahams. Each Saham then holds sway over one particular event of life during the year indicated by the annual chart. Thus, such varied events as marriage, child birth, fame, travel, illness, death, and the like, are each ruled by a specific Saham.

The number of Sahams recommended for application to an annual chart varies from one author on annual horoscopy to another. thus, whereas Venkatesh describes forty-eight Sahams, Keshava makes a mention of only twenty-five, while Meelakantha describes fifty Sahams.

It is generally not necesary to calculate all the sahams described in the texts, in a given annual chart. The practititoners of the Tajika pick up only the relevant sahams pretaining to a particular year of life of native, and analyse them.

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