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(1) Calculation+Prediction(Hindi+English Language)
The total cost of software(Hindi+English Language) is Rs. 15000(Fifteen thousend only)
aprox US$ 300
+6 months free upgrade


(2) Calculation+Prediction(Hindi Language)
The total cost of software(Hindi Language) is Rs. 10000(Ten thousend only)
aprox US$ 200
+6 months free upgrade


(3) Calculation+Prediction(English Language)
The total cost of software(English Language) is Rs. 10000(Ten thousend only)
aprox US$ 200
+6 months free upgrade


(4) Only Calculation(Hindi+English Language)
The total cost of software(Hindi+English Languag) is Rs. 8500(Eight thousend five hundred only)
aprox US$ 170
+3 months free upgrade


(5) Only Calculation(Hindi Language)
The total cost of software(Hindi) is Rs. 7000(seven thousend only)
aprox US$ 140
+3 months free upgrade


(6) Only Calculation(English Language)
The total cost of software(English) is Rs. 7000(seven thousend only)
aprox US$ 140
+3 months free upgrade


(7) Demo Version
Latest Aryabhatt Demo Software, Cost is Rs. 250(Two hundred fifty only)
aprox US$ 5